Writers: Want your name here?

We are looking for talented and opinionated writers to review books and movies geared to kids from birth to age 12. Here are a couple guidelines:

  1. Keep it short. The best posts are 150-250 words long.  (Of course there are exceptions too!)
  2. Focus on what your audience — vegetarian and vegan parents, aunties, and friends — would want to know. Ask yourself:  What values does this book or movie promote? Does it depict the consumption of meat or other animal products? How are animals treated? What questions might veg kids ask?

People are vegetarian or vegan for a variety of reasons, so feel free to highlight any aspects of the work that focus on health, the environment, the treatment of animals, or social justice.

You must disclose in your review if you received a review copy of the book, or compensation, from anyone affiliated with the work (publisher, author, publicist, etc.).

We try not to double up on reviews, so please visit our Books and Movies index pages to ensure we haven’t already reviewed the title you plan to review.

To submit a review for consideration, please email Jessica at vegbooks at gmail.com. Include a brief bio.


6 Comments so far ↓

  • Rebecca

    Hi there – so excited to find your site. I am a DC-based vegetarian mother of 5 year old twins and am now referring to your site all the time as a great resource. Wanted to know whether anyone has ever reviewed Benji Bean Sprout Doesn’t Eat Meat for your site? If not, it’s really a great one and I would love to send in a submission on it — I am NOT a professional writer but it’s really a great book.


  • Jessica

    Hi Rebecca,

    So glad you’ve found our site and that it’s useful to you! We do not have a review of Benji Bean Sprout, so if you’d be interested in trying your hand at a review, please drop me a note at vegbooks at gmail.com.


  • Dilip Barman

    Jessica, I’m so glad to have found your site! I used to be a professional (part-time) book reviewer, am a film reviewer, am a vegan teacher and organizer, and a proud Daddy of a toddler! I will look forward to looking more at your site and promoting it. Thanks for your efforts!

  • Jessica

    Wonderful, Dilip! Drop me a line if you’re interested in writing a review for Vegbooks.

  • Leolin

    I am so glad to have found your site. I have an almost 2 year old son and I want to make sure that I instill a sense of respect and empathy for animals and humans into him. These reviews will give me new ideas on books to read to him and these reviews will help me to make good choices regarding what he will be allowed to read and in the future watch on tv. Thanks!

  • Bov Enceph

    Hello. I am a vegan writer. My mom seems to think that my stories would appeal to young adults, but I wrote them with an adult audience in mind. Well, adults like myself, which could mean adults who think like kids, or something like that.
    Anyhow, my stories have been published in ebook formats at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/486755. They are also published at Amazon, but I like Smashwords alot better.
    If you do not want to pay the $0.99 to download the book, I would be happy to send you a coupon code so that you can download them for free.
    I just hope that people will read them and enjoy them, and I would love to get some feedback for my future stories.
    Thanks for doing what you do! I look forward to hearing from you.

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