Thank you for visiting Vegbooks! We accept review copies of children’s books (print and ebook) and movies (DVD, Blu-ray, and digital download) that deal with the following subjects: animals, the environment, and healthy eating. We are also interested in children’s books and movies that encourage children to stand up for themselves or others. We no longer accept review copies of self-published works.
We do our best to review books and movies that have some relevance to vegetarian values — and we try to publish reviews within three months of receiving a review copy. (Please note, however, that chapter books can sometimes take longer.) We commit not to sell review copies.
If we have already reviewed one of your publications but do not have an image to accompany the review, we would appreciate hearing from you.
Please send all inquiries and requests to vegbooks [at] gmail [dot] com.
Bonnie Lee // Feb 3, 2012 at 9:31 am
Hello, I’m Bonnie Lee and I am the creative director of Bonnie Lee Books. I author books which I believe captivate & educate children with animal adventures that teach valuable life lessons! I have produced three books titled Momo Come Home, Go Go Sadie and Bonita the Fruit Bat counts to 10, which are currently available. I have spent the last six years operating a non-profit company which donated my book sales to organizations such as the World Wildlife Federation and The Fund for Costa Rica in effort to raise awareness for the protection of endangered animals.
Introduction of book
My new project titled The Down Under Salad Bowl showcases the unique animals of Australia and various foods which are ingenious to Australian culture. In this book my “star” Karri the Koala is a very fussy eater. She will teach her readers all about being a marsupial and introduce you to her other marsupial and non-marsupial friends of Australia. Karri is invited to a dinner party and asked to eat something other than her favorite eucalyptus leaves. Being such a fussy eater, The Down Under Salad will teach young readers the importance trying other foods.
Bonnie Lee Books is a real labor of love for me. All of my costs have been out of pocket and I really do need your support to continue on with my cause. I truly believe that my books are inspiring for children and the proceeds help the organizations I am passionate about supporting. With each of my book projects the cost for publishers, illustrators, designers and web developers are unfortunately not non-profit. However, with your help I will be able to continue this project and focus on publishing the high quality of work I believe I deliver to my fans young and older.
With your company helping me with publication I will be able to continue writing educational children books and donating proceeds to my organizations so the protection of these animals will continue to inspire and be protected for everyone to enjoy.
I appreciate your consideration and with your help will hopefully reach my goal. Thank You, Bonnie Lee.
Maya Lee Shye // Mar 6, 2013 at 1:00 pm
I currently have 5 children’s picture ebooks published at Amazon and would appreciate your review on each one of them.
Here is the link to my Amazon author page where all my books are listed.
Thank you ever so much.
Maya Lee Shye // Mar 6, 2013 at 1:02 pm
Sorry, I failed to include the following link:
Mike Esola // Apr 3, 2013 at 10:46 pm
To whom it may concern,
I was writing to see if you would be free to review my new kids book DIARY OF A DINOSAUR. The book follows around a sixth grade dinosaur (T-rex) named Stan as he tries to make name for himself in a world populated by humans.
If you’d like a copy of the paperback, I’d be more than happy to send you a copy for free. Email me at
Stephanie Dreyer // Aug 17, 2015 at 3:48 pm
Hi Jessica,
I tried the email address above to contact you, but it is coming back undeliverable. I have tried Can you confirm the correct address? I have a review copy of a non-fiction picture book I would like to send you.
Thank you,
Jessica // Aug 21, 2015 at 12:40 pm
Hi Stephanie –
Sorry for the confusion. Take off the jessicaat and you’ve got the correct address.
Tiffaney Stoehr // Oct 2, 2016 at 8:28 pm
Hi Bonnie Lee,
You will remember me from a kickstarter project back in 2012. I still can’t believe it has been that long. My book Fornax, The Friendly toothbrush has had some time to hibernate and is ready to wake up. I would love to here your thoughts on my children’s book. Thank you for your time.
Tiffaney Stoehr