The Perfect Pet

September 22nd, 2010 · No Comments · Books


A dog is too loud. A horse is too big. What’s an animal-loving kid to do when her parents’ response to every species she suggests is “no”?

As much as she likes the “pet” cactus her parents gave her, Elizabeth, the main character in this lighthearted book by Margie Palatini and Bruce Whatley, is still hankering for a companion. So when she discovers a bug just hanging out in her room, she decides to adopt him as her own and names him Doug.

Kids will enjoy the humor.  Expect a few giggles when Elizabeth’s dad whispers, “Think we should have said yes to the dog?” And parents will like the open-minded approach Elizabeth’s parents demonstrate when they accept Doug as part of the family.  You might also find that this book provides a good opportunity to discuss the differences (and similarities) among species: Why do some people think dogs are good pets, but bugs are for exterminating?

Ages 4-8.

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